Mitad del Mundo

Today, Amanda, Emily, and I went to Mitad del Mundo, which translates into “Middle of the World.” We went to the equator!

I had seen everyone else’s photos on Facebook from the Mitad, so honestly I was not that excited to go. A big secret down here is that the monument that I went to today is actually not the real equator. It’s just the monument. The actual equator is about a mile away. We were too lazy to take the one mile walk, so this is what you get!

We had a nice lunch and walked around and saw all the little stores and tourists. Who can say they have been in both hemispheres at the same time…kind of?


Otavalo Market

Just 2 hours away from Quito by bus, Otavalo market is a busy bustling maze of arts, fruits, vegetables, hats, clothing, jewelry, and the list goes on. Otavalo is one of the most visited destinations in Ecuador, and seeing that I have been here over a month now, it was time to go!


A group of 9 of us decided to go last Saturday. Saturday is the best day, because every other day it is just located within a plaza, but on Saturday it’s literally down all the side streets of the plaza as far as the eye can see. Lots of bargaining and negotiation tactics are useful at a place like this. And most items are relatively cheap!



I think the best part about Otavalo was the hats. Hats for days! They aren’t just normal hats There are hats that look like any animal or character you can think of. I even saw a hat embroidered with Simba. Interesting. I have about 5 pictures of myself in different hats. Here is one of I’m guessing a Bert or Ernie hat.



Another cool thing the food. There were tons and tons of vendors cooking up some sort of Ecuadorian food. Some of which looked very appetizing, while some did not…


We stopped for ice cream… twice. How could we not? It was homemade and amazingly delicious. We  also found a lot of cool and interesting items. We came across the littlest plastic bag we’ve ever seen. Including handles! Thanks to our model Abby!


Otavalo market was a great experience. I wasn’t really prepared to be so overwhelmed with stuff and the huge size of the market, but I loved it. I want to go back… Christmas is coming up you know! It makes for great gifts! I will be retuning closer to my homecoming, to stock up on some more gifts. 🙂


Yacuma Ecolodge

The most anticipated jungle edition is hot of the press!  Two weekends ago, my procrastination still applies to this blog, Emily, Amanda, and I went to Yacuma Ecolodge, in the province of Napo. It’s in the Oriente the jungle, or should I say the freaking Amazon Jungle, is dissected by its many rivers and branches of rivers. It looks just how anyone would expect the Amazon Jungle to look like.

We left early Friday morning, early meaning 5 am, and set off on our journey. We picked up another couple from Spain who would be joining us for the weekend and headed to the bus station in South Quito. We hopped on a bus, hoping and praying that it wouldn’t be full, so that we could use up two seats instead of one for this 5½-hour ride across the mountains. I slept on an off, but was able to see a lot of cool things along the way; waterfalls, puppies, baby llamas, mountain towns, cows perched on sides of mountains, etc.

We made it to Tena, a bigger city further east, and met with a staff member from the lodge. We ate lunch and ice cream, and then hopped on another bus. This time the bus situation was a little different. School kids flooded the bus to stand in the aisle after everyone had their seats. It was literally a can of sardines. The aisle spill over just leans on all the seated people. Not too comfortable if you ask me. I’m also going to say that it was probably 85% humidity and 80 degrees. The bus was a sweatbox.

After this LONG, ride of 3½ hours, I accentuate long because we all ran out of water and the dust from the dirt roads was just flowing in the windows furthermore drying out our throats and lungs, we got off the bus and hopped into a motorized canoe! How cool! The river water was really low, due to the long dry season this year, so at a few parts some of the guys got out to push and pull the boat over the bottom of the river.

We had finally made it… almost 12 hours later! Yikes! We were greeted by two coatis and some iced tea that the indigenous people from the Amazon drink. The indigenous wake up around 3 or 4 am to drink this tea. It helps them think about their life and goals for the day. It’s basically a day starter, for all you coffee people out there.

After that we got settled into our cabina, and were slowly imprinted on a baby orphan monkey. His name was NeNe and he was incredibly cute, minus the monkey poo that he got all over us the first day. Emily did not like the monkey baby at all.

The next day we started off with a 3-hour hike through the jungle, with boots and all, to look at plants and their uses. We had a little indigenous man as our guide, while we tromped through mud, rivers and little trails. I took way too many photos the jungle and plants. We saw lots of mushrooms, butterflies, flowers, fruits, and trees I had never seen before. We heard lots of birds native to the jungle and even saw a tree with a bunch of nests hanging down from them.




We returned, ate lunch, and relaxed. Later on in the day, we went on another hike to the other side of the river. We saw the guides home and visited a shaman. It was really interesting. We also learned a lot about cacao, which is one of the biggest exports here in Ecuador.  Ecuador exports the most cacao in the world. We also saw a little tiny school for 14 kids. They learn both Spanish and Quichwa, the indigenous language. The school reminded me of Honduras! We hiked back, spent some time with the monkey and enjoyed dinner. After dinner, they brought out canelazo, which is a drink native to Ecuador. I really couldn’t tell you what’s in it, but it kind of tastes like hot apple cider, with some type of alcohol.



The next day we were up and on our way! This journey was a little bit shorter, by 4 hours! Thank god! Along the way, our bus was stopped by a military checkpoint. We had to get out and show our documents and they searched our bags. Lula says its just part of the military protection against drugs and immigrants. After that hiccup, we were home! I would say that was a pretty amazing weekend. 20 hours of travel for one awesome day of jungle. I like that tradeoff!


My School Schedule

After my second day of school, I’ve now experienced all of my classes. Most of them seem great. One of them seems… not so great. Another downside, I couldn’t find two of my books at the book store, both for my business classes. Great.

Monday & Wednesday

Cultura Ecuatoriana at 1pm. This seems like a really interesting class. We have to go to a couple of museums as homework and it’s a class full of gringos so I don’t feel so alone. Thank god. Emily and Amanda are in this one, so I think it should be a good time! By the way… just so everyone can be jealous. My book was $9.74. Say what SDSU!?! A lot of the classes use spiral bound books printed at the University to help students save money and also help the school save paper and only printing books on demand.

Tuesday & Thursday

Sociología Rural at 10am. THIS CLASS ROCKS! With all my experiences working in Honduras, I feel like I’m able to bring a lot of knowledge into this classroom. The teacher is an American dude, who did a lot of research in Cotopaxi. (Huge volcano mountain close to Quito. I can see it on the way to school and it’s covered in snow!) He came back and basically started the University. He claims his ID# is 7. Who knows, but we also have a field trip up to a rural community within the Cotopaxi area. Can’t wait!

Administración de Operaciones at 11:30am. I never want to return to this class ever again. This class makes me want to die. I’m the only gringa in the class, which is prime target for using me as an example to the class, when I don’t even understand what is going on. None of the students were very friendly, and the teacher was constantly picking on me, as all the students laughed when I said anything because I didn’t understand what the teacher was asking, so I was saying stuff wrong. AWESOME. Being the only gringa in a class that’s very hard to understand, shouldn’t mean pick on her all the time. It should mean help her understand more. kthanks. But the material seems hard only because I don’t have the book yet. Once I have the book I’m golden.

Negociacioón at 1pm. Yet again I’m the only gringa, but this class was a lot better. I didn’t get singled out and thrown into the flames like the other class. Obviously the teacher asked where I was from and what not, but it was easy going and not scary. Then he continued to tell the class how great California is and how the weather is beautiful. Que bien! This class seems like it has a lot of reading, but I also thing a lot of it will be common sense, something a gringa like me has!


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